Press Coverage

સુરતમાં નાનાજીના નામે પ્રસિદ્ધ થયેલા 83 વર્ષય વૃદ્ધ વ્યક્તિ એ રિટાયર્ડ થવાની ઉંમરે અલગ વ્યવસાય શરૂ ક

સુરતમાં નાનાજીના નામે પ્રસિદ્ધ થયેલા 83 વર્ષય વૃદ્ધ વ્યક્તિ એ રિટાયર્ડ થવાની ઉંમરે અલગ વ્યવસાય શરૂ ક
સુરતમાં નાનાજીના નામે પ્રસિદ્ધ થયેલા 83 વર્ષય વૃદ્ધ વ્યક્તિ એ રિટાયર્ડ થવાની ઉંમરે અલગ વ્યવસાય શરૂ ક
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મળો ગુજરાતના નાનાજી ને..જેમણે 85 વર્ષની ઉંમરે સ્ટાર્ટ અપ બિઝનેસ શરૂ કરી મેળવી સફળતા
મળો ગુજરાતના નાનાજી ને..જેમણે 85 વર્ષની ઉંમરે સ્ટાર્ટ અપ બિઝનેસ શરૂ કરી મેળવી સફળતાash
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ઇન્ટરનેટની દુનિયામાં હાલ ગુજરાતના એક નાનાજી ખૂબ વાઈરલ થઈ રહ્યા છે. સુરતમાં નિવૃત્તિની ઉંમરમાં 85 વર્ષના નાનાજી કરોડપતિ બની ગયા છે. ખૂબ મોટી ઉંમરે પોતાનો બિઝનેસ શરૂ કર્યાના બે વર્ષમાં જ નાનાજીએ જબરદ...
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हम सबको जिंदगी किसी मकसद से मिली है। जो ऐसा समझते हैं उन्हें जिंदगी कई मौके देती है’- ये कहना है 85 साल के राधाकृष्ण चौधरी का। जो 85 की उम्र में आयुर्वेदिक कॉस्मेटिक्स प्रोडक्ट का बिजनेस कर रहे हैं...
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ऐसा माना जाता है कि काम करने और आराम करने की एक उम्र होती है। अक्सर लोगों को लगता है 58-60 साल की उम्र के बाद काम से रिटायर होकर आराम का जीवन जियेंगे। अधिकांश लोग यही करते भी हैं। लेकिन क्या आप सोच...
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Daughter’s Hair Fall Inspires 85-YO Couple to Launch Hair Oil With 50 Herbs
Radhakrishna and Shakuntala Choudhary are a retired couple from Surat, Gujarat, who launched ‘Keshpallav Hair Oil’, in June. They claim their oil helps with male pattern baldness, hair fall and oth...
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85-Year-Old Gujarat Man Buying His 1st Car Post His Start-Up Success Is Proof That Age Is No Bar
He literally started a second innings with his start-up that works on Ayurvedic products. Both Radha Krishan Choudhary and his wife Shakuntala Choudhary, established their business in later years o...
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Age no bar The entrepreneur couple in their 80s who became an overnight sensation
RK and Shakuntala Devi Choudhary started Avimee Herbal out of their home in Surat to solve their daughter’s hair fall problem in 2021. The brand has made ~Rs 13 crore worth of sales until July.
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An 85-Year-Old Wanted A Cure For Daughter's Hairfall, Found A Business
New Delhi: Age is just a number -- this oft-repeated line has been brought to life by an 85-year-old who has become a successful entrepreneur through his grit and determination.
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Success Story સુરતના આ નાનાજીના નુસ્ખાએ તો કમાલ કરી દીધી
રિટાયર્ડમેન્ટ (Retirement)ની કોઈ ઉંમર નથી હોતી, ઉંમર (Age) એ ફક્ત આંકડો જ હોય છે. આ શબ્દો છે સુરતના નાનાજી ના. જેઓએ પોતાની કુશળતાથી 83 વર્ષની ઉંમરમાં સ્ટાર્ટ અપ બિઝનેસ શરૂ કર્યો છે અને ફક્ત બે વર્...
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Firsts Are Always Special Man Buys His First Car At 85 After Success Of His Start-Up
Firsts in life are always special. But who decides when is the right time to experience these firsts? Setting an inspiring example for everyone who thinks it's too late to dream or chase
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85-Year-Old Indian Man Buys First Car Following Overnight Success of His Post-Retirement Startup
Radha Krishan Choudhary started Avimee Herbal, an Ayurvedic hair care brand, with his wife Shakuntala Choudhary in June 2021, Indian Times reported. Read more
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Never too late to chase your dreams Elderly man buys his first car at 85 post his start-up success
We've all heard the saying "it's never too late to chase your dreams". An elderly man from Gujarat, however, took this seriously and worked hard to achieve his goal. The hero of this narrative is R...
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85 year-old Grandpa from Gujarat starts-up in 2021 Buys first car in 2022
We have often heard the saying like its never too late to follow your dreams. Well an elderly man from Gujarat took this seriously and worked towards his dream. Radha Krishna Choudhary who is also ...
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85-YO Couple Launch Herbal Hair Care Brand That Works Wonders
85-year-old Mr R K Choudhary was dealing with a similar situation at home with his daughter. His love for age-old wisdom, knowledge about traditional herbs and spices and his daughter’s hair loss p...
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Gujrats naniji started his business at the age of 28 and bought his first car
हम सभी ने सुना है कि उम्र सिर्फ एक संख्या है और अपने सपनों को पूरा करने में कभी देर नहीं होती है। गुजरात के एक बुजुर्ग ने इस कहावत को सही साबित कर दिया है क्योंकि उन्होंने 85 साल की उम्र में आयुर्व...
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Daughter’s hair loss led 85-YO couple to launch
Radhakrishna and Shakuntala Choudhary of Surat, Gujarat, have introduced a hair oil infused with 50 botanicals. The launch of Avimee Herbal was motivated by their daughter’s hair loss.
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Age is just a number Gujarat man buys first car at 85 after the success of his start-up
New Delhi: An 85-year-old man from Gujarat proved a popular phrase right that age is just a number. The elderly man bought his first car at the age of 85 after his start-up of an ayurvedic hair oil...
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Daughter’s hair loss led 85-YO couple to launch Avimee Herbal hair oil
Radhakrishna and Shakuntala Choudhary of Surat, Gujarat, have introduced a hair oil infused with 50 botanicals. The launch of Avimee Herbal was motivated by their daughter’s hair loss.
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'Belief, Hard Work' Man Buys His First Car at 85 after Ayurvedic Company He Started Blossoms
Remember the first car that you purchased or the first mobile phone that you bought for yourself? Firsts are always special. Taking that emotion one notch up, an elderly man from Gujarat bought his...
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In a heartwarming development, an 85-year-old Indian entrepreneur bought his first car recently after his post-retirement startup’s success and has proved that it is never too late to chase a dream...
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He bought his first car at 85, thanks to his startup’s ‘overnight success’
An 85-year-old entrepreneur from Gujarat has revealed how he bought his first car in his twilight years, thanks to the “overnight success” of his post-retirement start-up. His video has gone massiv...
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Chaudhary said, "My father had a textile business in Bihar. After graduating in law, I joined the family business. Even then the study of Ayurveda continued but it remained limited to an interest a...
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85-year-old man joins hands with wife to start business. Watch heartwarming tale
If you’re looking for a video that can put a smile on your face and uplift you mood, then this clip of an elderly couple may do the trick. Shared on Humans of Bombay Instagram page, the video shows...
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Surat man started business two years ago at age 83, today turnover is in crores
When it comes to dreams and ambitions, there's no limit. Even your age can't stop you from achieving your goals. That's what the story of this 85-year-old man from Gujarat is about. Meet Radha Kr...
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Shahid Kapoor is one lucky guy! His lady love may not be an actress but is a much-loved star for sure. Her witty comments, stunning fashion sense and inspiring beauty routines made her an influence...
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बेस्टसेलिंग हेयर ऑयल्स पर पाएं बेस्ट अमेज़न ऑफर
बालों का झड़ना, डैंड्रफ होना, बालों का जल्दी सफेद होना और गंजापन आना बालों की कुछ ऐसी समस्याएं हैं जिनसे हम में से ज़्यादातर लोगों को रोजाना निपटना पड़ता है. बालों का तेल ऐसी सभी समस्याओं का सही सम...
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85-YO Desi Couple Launched Hair Oil, Avimee Herbal With 50 Herbs
It’s never too late to start something new. Truly said, age is just a number. If you have the grit to walk down the lane of your passion, you will see success in the end.
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Elderly man says appreciate your partner before it’s too late. Watch
Among all the relationships in life, one of the most endearing is that of a life partner. They are the ones who are meant to stay with you for life. It is important that you acknowledge and appreci...
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